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Equality and Diversity Policy


SB Skills Solutions Equal Opportunities, Diversity and Inclusion Policy is not only about ensuring that we meet our legal obligations but also about making clear our commitment to equality of opportunity and diversity and about reinforcing our ethos in respect of encouraging fairness and equality of treatment for all. Individual employees at all levels have duty to ensure that they uphold the policy, and that they do not unlawfully discriminate, harass or victimise another employee, learner or stakeholder. All staff and learners are required to value and respect their colleagues on the basis of their behaviour, skills and performance in their day-to-day duties. They are further required to fully co-operate with measures introduced by SB Skills Solutions to ensure equality of opportunity and non- discrimination.

Through this policy, SB Skills Solutions recognises its legal obligations and will ensure that all UK and European law in relation to equality of opportunity and diversity issues to which the company is obliged to comply is adhered to and in particular obligations under the Equality Act 2010 and the Employment Equality (Sex Discrimination) Regulations 2005, and all other legislation and regulation relating to equality of opportunity. SB Skills Solutions will ensure that it upholds this legislation and regulation in full.

We will promote fair and equal access to services by all learners, learners and employees on the basis of need and to provide services in a manner which is sensitive to the individual, whatever their background.
We will strive to achieve diversity within our staff teams that best reflects the diversity of the communities in which we work, as well as celebrating diversity, promoting social inclusion and community cohesion.

Scope of this policy

This policy ensures that the talents and resources of employees and learners and learners are utilised to the full and that no job applicant, employee, learner or employer who accesses our services receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of age, gender, marital or civil partner status, sexual orientation, race, colour, ethnic or national origin, religious belief, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy or trade union membership or is disadvantaged by conditions or requirements which cannot be shown to be relevant to the performance of the duties inherent in the position.
This policy applies to all aspects of service delivery and employment including recruitment and selection, promotion, training, placement, reward and recognition, transfer, redundancy, dismissal, grievance and disciplinary procedures.


SB Skills Solutions commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion:

  • To create an environment in which individual differences and the contributions of all our employees, learners and employers are recognised and valued.
  • To create a working/learning environment that promotes dignity and respect for all. No form of intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated.
  • To ensure training, development and progression opportunities are available to all and that a comprehensive training and refresher programme is in place to ensure staff are updated with skills to support Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in all aspects of their work.
  • To promote equality in the workplace and learning environment, which it believes is good management practice and makes sound business sense.
  • To regularly review all employment practices and procedures to ensure that no job applicants are treated less favourably than others.
  • To regularly review services to ensure that they are accessible and appropriate to all groups within society.
  • To treat breaches of the equality policy seriously and take disciplinary action when required.
  • To provide information and training to all employees and learners so that they are fully aware of the issues relating to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, and their responsibilities relating to it. 
  • If any staff member or learners feels that they have been treated less favourably than others, then they should go through the company Grievance Procedure as outlined in the Company Employee Handbook.
  • To ensure that the policy is fully supported by Directors.
  • To monitor and review the policy annually.

No Discrimination or Harassment

Victimisation, harassment, intimidation and discrimination of any employee, learner, employer, stakeholder or supplier will not be tolerated. Any individual who believes that they may have been subject to victimisation, harassment, intimidation or discrimination, or that this policy has been breached in any way, should report their concerns to the OPERATIONS DIRECTOR who will fully investigate any allegation. Any complaints received will be taken seriously and dealt with accordingly. Staff who perpetuate victimisation, harassment, intimidation or discrimination will face disciplinary action and potential dismissal. This includes any victimisation or attempted victimisation of individuals on the grounds that they have made complaints or provided information on discrimination. It also includes any inducement, or attempted inducement of other employees to practice unlawful discrimination.


All staff of SB Skills Solutions, their delivery partners and learners accessing their services have a responsibility to promote awareness of and an active commitment to the need to ensure equality of opportunity and the benefits of diversity.

At SB Skills Solutions we believe that every learner, or employee has the right to receive education or employment in an environment which is free from prejudice. Every learner or learner has the right to receive the best possible education.

We are committed to providing all our learners with an equal opportunity to thrive in a setting free from discrimination in all its forms. We strive to be an organisation where adults and young people, whatever their race, religion, gender, abilities, family and social circumstances, will find safety and respect for themselves, their families and their traditions.

Our policy should ensure that every member of our community respects others and is respected, achieves his or her full potential and is welcomed and valued.

To make this commitment real, we aim to develop policies and practices based on the needs of our organisation and the learners accessing this service.

We aim to:

  • Ensure that learners can reach their potential in all areas
  • Ensure that learners can make choices free from prejudice and stereotyping
  • Oppose any form of racism, sexism or any other form of discrimination
  • Value every learner’s language and cultural background
  • Promote respect between cultures.

SB Skills Solutions has responsibility for ensuring full communication, implementation and review of this policy. In addition, the Operations Director has responsibility for ensuring the effective implementation of this policy and for ensuring that all reasonable and practical steps are taken to avoid discrimination.

The Operations Director will ensure that SB Skills Solutions:

  • Creates an environment where all individuals feel valued and want to work or fully participate in a service.
  • Develops an Equality & Diversity Action Plan in liaison with key members of staff, ensure this is communicated to all staff, and ensure that actions are taken forward as planned.
  • Enables all employees and learners to maximise their performance and fulfil their potential.
  • Ensures all our policies and procedures do not discriminate against any group or individual and are fairly implemented.
  • Utilises training and awareness programmes where appropriate to ensure we achieve equality of opportunity.
  • Ensures that employees and job applicants are interviewed, selected and appointed based on merit, using objective and justifiable criteria. Our selection process will be monitored to ensure fairness.
  • Gives full and fair consideration to applications for employment, work experience, learning and services by people with disabilities, based on the assessment of their abilities rather than disabilities, and consider adaptations to provide facilities for people with disabilities, as far as reasonably practicable.
  • Endeavours to support any member of staff who becomes disabled as much as possible. The aim will be to retain staff in their existing job or where reasonably practicable, in an alternative of equivalent pay and conditions.
  • Provides flexible working arrangements where operationally practicable.
  • Protects all employees, learners and customers by implementing a robust Anti- Bullying and Harassment Policy.
  • Regularly monitors and analyses the composition of the workforce, learners, employers and client group in order to assess the effectiveness of recruitment practices and highlight areas to be addressed.
  • Identifies the diversity and needs of current and potential customers/employers and identify areas where needs could be better satisfied.

All tutors develop strategies to ensure appropriate access to classroom equipment and resources which include computer timetables, rotating activities and providing independent choice time.

In the classroom, tutors regularly mix groups working together to enable learners to work with a variety of class members.

As some styles of teaching can advantage learners, we use a variety of strategies which include whole class teaching, group discussions, paired and individual activities