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Safeguarding Policy

SB Skills Solutions Safeguarding Policy

This Policy should be read in conjunction with other Safeguarding Governance Policies including:

Please refer to the following policies for further guidance:
Other Policies:

  • Equality and Diversity
  • Health and Safety
  • Whistle blowing Policy
  • Learner Code of conduct
  • Staff Code of conduct

Purpose and Scope

All providers of adult, community and work-based learning in England are required by the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 to secure the safety of children, young people and vulnerable adults who are their learners. 


As a provider of further education, SB Skills Solutions, is committed to ensure all learners are kept safe so that they can learn and thrive. The drive for ‘Inclusive Learning’ has succeeded in bringing into the system learners with a wide range of needs, including many who can now be deemed ‘vulnerable’. 


The term vulnerable is defined as a person ‘who is or may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness: and who is or may be unable to care of him or herself, or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation’ (Department of Health 2000) 


The term vulnerable may also apply to people at increased risk of abuse or mistreatment due to some of the following factors: 

  • They may be unaware of their rights;
  • They may be socially isolated;
  • They may not know how to complain or who to complain to;
  • They may have communication difficulties in making decisions;
  • They may have low self-esteem;
  • They may be discriminated due to age or disability;
  • They may not have access to healthcare;
  • They may be dependent on others for their basic health care needs.


At SB Skills Solutions this may apply to a colleague or a learner you work with. 

A child is defined as anyone who has not yet reached their 18th birthday. ‘Children’ therefore means ‘children and young people’. The fact that a child has reached 16 years of age, is living independently or is in further education does not change his or her status or entitlement to services or protection under the Children’s Act 1989. 


Essential Appendix documentation for safeguarding policy: 

  • Appendix 1 Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults Flowchart
  • Appendix 2 Safeguarding Incident report Form


The key guidance and legislation for the safeguarding of children responsibilities for SB Skills Solutions are contained within: 

  • The Children Act 1989
  • The Victoria Climbié Inquiry Report by Lord Laming; 2003
  • Every Child Matters Green Paper 2003
  • Every Child Matters ‘Change for Children’ 2004
  • National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services 2004
  • The Children Act 2004 (Oct 24)
  • Working Together to Safeguard Children 2010
  • Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Act 2006

Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education 2007 (April 2012)

  • Vetting and Barring Scheme 2009
  • Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
  • Education Act 2002
  • DCSF Resources – Learning Together to be Safe
  • Prevent: Resources Guide
  • Tackling Extremism in the UK”
  • DfE’s – Teaching Approaches that help Build Resilience to Extremism among Young People
  • Peter Clarke’s Report of July 2014
  • Prevent’ strategy in 2023 (Mar 24)
  • Equalities Act (2010)
  • Keeping Children Safe in Education (August 24)

Safeguarding Strategy

The safeguarding strategy sets out the strategic approach to strengthening our arrangements for safeguarding across the company. SB Skills Solutions is committed to maintaining the highest possible standards to meet its social, moral and legal responsibilities to safeguard the welfare of every child/young person or vulnerable adult (hereinafter referred to as learners). 


The emphasis of our safeguarding strategy and action plan is to focus on all the people who use our services. This will be a further demonstration of our organisational vision and value base. In order to meet the company vision and values to treat people well and keep people safe we need to demonstrate our effectiveness in safeguarding adults and children from abuse or the potential of abuse of any kind to enable people and children to feel safe. 


The Aims of the Safeguarding Strategy:


  • To ensure that all staff understand safeguarding is everyone’s business.
  • To keep children, young people and vulnerable adults safe;
  • To raise and maintain awareness regarding Safeguarding, Health & Safety, and Equality and Diversity across the company;
  • To ensure that we work in partnership and contribute to the safeguarding work with the relevant Stakeholders and Boards;
  • To learn the lessons and good practice from serious case reviews, local and national enquires.



We shall achieve our objectives by carrying out the following strategic activities:


We shall achieve our objectives by carrying out the following strategic activities:

Planning and Management

    • By ensuring that safeguarding is embedded within our strategic and operational planning processes;

    By reviewing this strategy and associated policies as part of the annual Selfassessment review; 

    • By implementing an annual Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) to address our areas for improvement and build on our strengths so that our safeguarding arrangements continue to improve;
    • By ensuring all personal data will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) 2018; By highlighting in job descriptions, staffs’ responsibilities in relation to safeguarding;
    • By giving staff opportunities to propose ideas and to share best practice through regular staff meetings, training and awareness sessions and through staff surveys;
    • By continuing to work with employers to benchmark their current safeguarding practice and work collaboratively to support improvement;
    • By monitoring the development of all learning materials and establishing standardised best practice;

Staff Recruitment

SB Skills Solutions has a rigorous staff recruitment and selection process to ensure their suitability to work with learners and prevent unsuitable people for working with vulnerable adults and to promote safe practice – Utilising Safer Recruitment practices including;

  • SB Skills Solutions has a rigorous staff recruitment and selection process to ensure their suitability to work with learners and prevent unsuitable people for working with vulnerable adults and to promote safe practice – Utilising Safer Recruitment practices including;


    • All applicants have a robust telephone interview to check suitability for the role, along with a face to face interview with 2 managers. Role play activities and presentations also form part of the selection process, depending on the role;
    • All recruiting managers are required to complete Safer Recruitment e-learning as part of their recruitment training;
    • By undertaking thorough risk assessments to ensure that all relevant staff and service providers are subjected to the relevant DBS check.
    • Documentary evidence checks to identify nationality, residency and right to work status
    • Where subcontractors/associates are delivering courses on behalf of SB Skills Solutions relevant DBS checks will be undertaken by us to ensure the same standards are applied
    • A Single Contact Register is held and maintained detailing Staff details, DBS information, Skills Qualifications and any risk assessments associated with the recruitment processes are documented and detailed within the register
    • Check references thoroughly including appropriate Disclosure
    • All staff and volunteers have a duty to declare any existing or subsequent convictions. Failure to do so will be regarded as gross misconduct, possibly resulting in dismissal
    • All staff who hold a DBS will have this refreshed every 3 years.

Induction and Training

  • By providing a thorough induction to both staff and learners to raise awareness and understanding of safeguarding arrangements, the standards expected and their responsibilities in relation to these;
  • SB Skills Solutions’ Learner Management System displays our Safeguarding policy;
  • All staff will complete online learning in Safeguarding and PREVENT on an annual basis;
  • All staff will attend a Safeguarding & PREVENT workshop;
  • By educating and empowering learners to take responsibility for their own safety and wellbeing and that of others.

Safeguarding Protocol

The term ‘Safeguarding’ describes the broader preventative and precautionary approach to planning and procedures that are necessary to be in place to protect children and young people from any potential harm or damage.

Safeguarding is more than having background check policies and procedures in place. It means having a culture of vigilance where all staff know their responsibilities and act accordingly and all learners are aware of what they can expect and what to do if they have concerns. It is about providing a deep commitment to place the learner at the centre of our concerns and to build policies, practices and procedures around the learner for them to succeed.

Safeguarding must be the informed responsibility of all staff, senior management, volunteers and board members to ensure the learning environment is safe and secure for all.

There should be a written record of any concerns. This confidential information will be kept in a locked drawer by the appropriate person, and will be kept for as long as deemed necessary, in line with Data Protection principles. All incidents should be discussed in supervision with line manager.
Records kept by paid workers about adults at risk should only include: Contacts made
Referrals made, including date, time, reason and referral agency

SB Skills Solutions may have specific projects that need to keep more detailed records, and these will be identified by the Manager and made known to the team.

Planning wherever possible paid staff and volunteers should avoid lone working with an adult at risk. But if unavoidable, one-to-one contact should take place in an environment where other staff or volunteers are present or within sight.

In order to do so they will need to consider and act on the following basis:


The ability to identify and recognise behaviour that may indicate abuse is of fundamental importance. Whether the abuse may occur on our premises, in the home or in any other setting in which the learner may find themselves, all those playing a role in meeting learners’ needs should be aware and informed so that possible abuse can be recognised, investigated and acted upon effectively. Signs and symptoms of abuse of young people and/or vulnerable adults may include direct disclosure to any member of staff. All staff should be trained to understand signs of possible abuse and know how, where and to whom to report concerns. Staff must be able to recognise signs of abuse, know how to respond to learners, how to use appropriate questioning and how to record information accurately.


Appropriate response by our staff and managers is vital. No report of or concern about possible abuse should ever be ignored. Staff are trained how to determine the most appropriate response and to clarify precise details. They are aware of the correct protocol, i.e.:

  • Do not lead or probe with questions;
  • Remain calm and demonstrate interest and concern while investigating;
  • Do not agree confidentiality, this may restrict you from taking any action later;
  • Reassure that they have done the correct thing in reporting their concerns and that everything possible will be done to help;
  • Record any disclosures;
  • Keep copies of any notes taken and please sign and date them accordingly

WHAT TO DO - To act or not to act

All allegations or suspicions are to be treated seriously. No abuse is acceptable, and some abuse is a criminal offence and must be reported to the Police as soon as possible. To determine the appropriate action, it is important to consider:

Risk – does the learner, staff member or volunteer understand the nature and consequences of any risk they may be subject to, and do they willingly accept such a risk?

Self-determination – is the learner able to make their own decisions and choices, and do they wish to do so? Seriousness – Several factors will determine whether intervention is required. The perception of the victim must be the starting point. Factors informing assessment of seriousness will include:

  • The perception by the individual and their vulnerability
  • The extent of the abuse
  • The length of time it has been going on
  • The impact on the individual
  • The risk of repetition or escalation involving this or other
  • Adults at risk
  • Is a criminal offence being committed?


The employee or volunteer’s primary responsibility is to protect the learner if they are at risk
Each employee or volunteer has a duty to act Employees or volunteers should not have to cope alone


Any disclosure, incident or suspicion should be reported by the member of staff or manager to the Designated Safeguarding Lead or Designated Safeguarding Officers.

Training and support have been provided to ensure these roles are carried out effectively. During both staff and learner inductions the Designated Safeguarding Lead will be identified. Our safeguarding policy is embedded in all our courses and is displayed in the Learner Handbook, and on our intranet system to inform learners and staff.

Report your concern or allegation to the Designated Safeguarding lead or member of staff with specific designated responsibility for dealing with issues relating to safeguarding your centre. The Designated Safeguarding Lead will take responsibility from this point forward.
No one other than the Designated Safeguarding Lead should mount an investigation into complaints, allegations or suspicions of abuse. If actions are carried out by someone other than the designated person or deputy it could be seen as unjustified interference which could jeopardise an investigation and any possible subsequent court case.
All allegations against people who work with children and that meet the specific criteria below should be reported by the employer within one working day to Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) e.g.

  • Staff who have behaved in a way that may have harmed a child/vulnerable person;
  • Staff who have possibly committed a criminal offence related to a child/vulnerable person;
  • Staff who have behaved towards a child/vulnerable person in a way that indicates that he/she is unsuitable to work with them.

Issues of confidentiality must be clarified early on. For example staff or volunteers must make it clear that they will have to discuss the concerns with their supervisor.

Where an individual expresses a wish for concerns not to be pursued then this should be respected wherever possible unless the learner is under the age of 18 years old.

However, decisions about whether to respect the learner’s wishes must have regard to the level of risk to the individual and others, and their capacity to understand the decision in question. In some circumstances the individual’s wishes may be overridden in favour of considerations of safety.

Decisions to override the learner’s wish not to take the matter further should if possible be the product of discussion with appropriate Safeguarding Lead. Note your concerns and any information given to you or witnessed by you. Report concerns to the appropriate Safeguarding Lead by completing the safeguarding concern record form.

Remember it is not a requirement to obtain evidence. By supporting the learner and carefully logging any information given to you at this stage, you will lay the foundations for an effective formal investigation.
Understand the need not to contaminate, or to preserve evidence if a crime may have been committed.

Discussion and Decision Making

Information should be shared with your Designated Safeguarding Lead, who must approve any actions to be taken and any documentation or correspondence being sent out.

When considering the decision as to whether to refer elsewhere (e.g. to Police, Social Services, Care Quality Commission) the following should be taken into account:

  • The wishes of the learner, & their right to self-determination
  • The mental capacity of the individual
  • Known indicators of abuse
  • Definitions of abuse
  • Level of risk to this individual
  • The seriousness of the abuse
  • The effect of the abuse on the individual
  • Level of risk to others
  • The effect of the abuse on others
  • Whether a criminal offence has been committed
  • Whether other statutory obligations have been breached (e.g. NCSC)
  • The need for others to know
  • The ability of others (e.g. Police, Social Services) to make a positive contribution to the situation

Issues with Mental Capacity and Consent

The consent of the learner must be obtained except where:

  • The learner lacks the mental capacity to make a decision, and a risk assessment indicates that referral would be in their best interests
  • Others may be at risk
  • A crime has been committed

Who to refer to and raise concerns with:

  • Social Services
  • Emergency Social Services duty team, if urgent and outside normal office
  • Relevant hospital Social Services team if the individual is in hospital
  • Community Mental Health Team where the individual has an ongoing mental health need
  • Care Quality Commission where there are issues relating to standards and regulations in care homes and domiciliary care agencies. Hospital Trusts/Primary Care Trusts where there is a complaint of abuse by a member of staff
  • The Police, if there is an emergency where delay may result in serious harm to the individual or if the abuse may constitute a crime


Designated staff should record precisely what has been alleged, using the words of the complainant. Records should include accurate quotation. It should also, if felt appropriate, include factual observations about the observable physical and emotional state of the individual sharing their concerns with you. 

Staff are trained to ensure allegations are recorded precisely on the Safeguarding Children/Vulnerable Adult Incident Report form which can be found in Appendix 1 of this policy. Please use the words of the complainant and include accurate quotation. This can include observations about the physical and emotional state of the individual sharing their concerns. Information is recorded and stored securely, confidentially and only accessible to those who need to access it as part of the action taken to resolve the complaint or allegation.

Required information, if known, which will be requested when you make a referral or report your concerns:

  • Details of alleged victim – name, address, age, gender, ethnic background including principle language spoken, details of any disability
  • Details of GP and any known medication
  • Whether the individual is aware of and has consented to the referral/report.
  • The mental capacity of the individual (are there are any concerns/doubts about this?)
  • If appropriate advise agency on preferred/advised method or environment when approaching the alleged victim or perpetrator.
  • Also, any relevant information, for example:
  • Reasons for concerns and therefore this referral
  • Details of how these concerns came to light
  • Specific information relating to these concerns
  • Details of any arrangements which have already been made for the protection of the learner or any immediate action taken
  • Details of anyone else to whom this referral has also been made
  • Details of the alleged perpetrator and if they are an adult at risk
  • Details of alleged abuse and information about suspicions
  • Details of any other background information
  • An impression of how serious the situation might be
  • Details of any other professional involved
  • Details of Carers and any significant family members, neighbours, friends

Information passed on must be relevant, necessary and up to date, confirm in writing information given verbally.


Only the Designated Safeguarding Lead or Officer can mount an investigation into complaints, allegations or suspicions of abuse. An investigation may include questioning staff or learners. Actions of these sorts carried out by someone other than the Designated Officer could be construed as unjustified interference which could jeopardise an investigation and any possible subsequent court case.

The decision to refer a complaint or allegation lies with the Designated Safeguarding Lead and assisting officers/managers, having gathered and examined all relevant information. No one else will investigate such a situation. Investigation will involve questioning colleagues, learners, carers, parents, learners, assessors and the complainant. Designated Safeguarding Officers will have access to organisations and websites in order to seek guidance and help for learners.

Responsibilities and Training

5.1 Learners

All learners will be introduced to their rights and responsibilities with regards to Safeguarding through their induction and initial assessment. Learners will go through a thorough sign-up procedure with a member of staff, where any special needs will be determined, logged and appropriately dealt with. All Learners in work-based learning will have their place of work vetted by a trained assessor for Health and Safety purposes. Learners who work in places deemed medium or high risk will be revisited at regular intervals. Reviews with learners include specific safeguarding questions, covering areas including Health & Safety and Equality and Diversity; these reviews are carried out regularly. Learners have direct access to their Tutor at all times and use this person as their first point of contact if they have any concerns.

The learner has the right:

  • To be made aware of this policy
  • To have alleged incidents recognised and taken seriously
  • To receive fair and respectful treatment throughout
  • To be involved in any process as appropriate
  • To receive information about the outcome
5.2 Staff Training

All new employees will be introduced to their rights and responsibilities with regards to Safeguarding at their initial induction. The relevant policies are available to all employees. All staff in contact with learners who are under 18 or vulnerable adults will receive appropriate safeguarding training and regular safeguarding updates. Effective training is the key to carrying out our responsibilities of promoting and safeguarding children and young people. Staff will need to be trained on how to identify a learner in need, and what subsequent action to take.

Training will take place on a variety of levels and will depend upon the needs of the staff concerned. All staff will have a basic induction which will include how to report safeguarding concerns. The Designated Safeguarding Lead and assisting officers will undertake regular inter-agency training and refresher training every 3 years.

5.3 ICT Training Facilities

In simple terms, online safety refers to the act of staying safe online. It is also commonly known as internet safety, e-safety and cyber safety. It encompasses all technological devices which have access to the internet from PC’s and laptops to smartphones and tablets.

Being safe online means learners are protecting themselves and others from online harm and risks which may jeopardise their personal information, lead to unsafe communications or even affect their mental health and wellbeing.

Operating within an online space is something most of us do subconsciously, but few people are more engaged online than ever before. Ownership of smart devices is increasing and the range of the content they are viewing is expanding.

In an ever-changing world, ensuring our and our learner’s safety online has never been more important. It’s an all-encompassing duty and something every SB Skills Solutions employee and subcontractor must be aware of.
The internet can be an unforgiving place. Aside from the more obvious risks such as cyber bullying, grooming and device addiction, the way we and our learners are engaging online, means we have to take into account our mental health and wellbeing, the type of content we are viewing and what we are posting online.

Cyber bullying is the act of communicating harmful, violent and/or malicious words and or pictures through the means of technology.
Cyber bullying is the term used to refer to bullying and harassment by use of electronic devices though means of e-mail, instant messaging, text messages, blogs, mobile phones, pagers and websites. No longer does bullying transpire only on school/training grounds. The cyber world has allowed for children and vulnerable adults to be vulnerable to bullying in the safe haven of their home. This new ability to socially network in the cyber world is rapidly expanding the harmful effects learners suffer from being bullied and must be monitored in the same way as other forms of abuse.

Identifying Abuse

  • Physical Abuse – may involve hitting, shaking, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm to a child. Factitious Disorder is also classed as physical abuse. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or career feigns the symptoms of, or deliberately causes ill health to a child whom they are looking after. The situation is commonly described using terms such as factitious illness by proxy or Munchausen’s by proxy.
  • Emotional Abuse – is the persistent emotional ill treatment of a child that causes severe and persistent side effects on the child’s emotional development. It may involve conveying to the children that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate or valued only in so far as they meet the needs of another person. It may feature age or developmentally inappropriate expectations being imposed on children. These may include interactions that are beyond the child’s development capability as well as overprotection and limitation of exploration and learning or preventing the child participating in normal social interaction. It may involve seeing or hearing the ill treatment of another. It may involve serious bullying causing children to feel frightened or in danger, or the exploitation or corruption of children. Some level of emotional abuse is present in all types of ill treatment of a child, though it can still occur alone.
  • Sexual Abuse – involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities including prostitution, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact, including penetrative (e.g. rape or buggery) or nonpenetrative acts. They may involve non-contact activities such as involving children in looking at, or in the production of sexual online images, pornographic material, or watching sexual activities, or encouraging children to act in sexually inappropriate ways.
  • Neglect – is the persistent failure to meet a child’s or vulnerable adults basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development. Neglect may occur during pregnancy as a result of maternal substance misuse. Once a child is born it may involve a parent or carer failing to provide adequate food, shelter or clothing, failing to protect the child or vulnerable adult from physical harm or danger, or failure to ensure access to medical care or treatment. It may also be neglect of or unresponsiveness to the child’s emotional needs

An Ofsted review report of sexual abuse in schools and colleges (June 2021) has identified how prevalent sexual harassment and online sexual abuse is for learners and that for some, incidents are so commonplace that they see no point in reporting them, suggesting that sexual harassment, including online sexual abuse has become normalised for learners.

Sexual harassment is unwanted conduct of a sexual nature, this can be physical or verbal.

In most instances, the conduct of learners is covered under our Code of Conduct policy

Safeguarding Guidelines

Good practice ideas:
  • Always work in an open environment avoiding private or unobserved situations and encouraging open communication;
  • Treat all learners equally with respect and dignity always putting the welfare of each learner first;
  • Maintaining a safe and appropriate distance with learners;
  • Being an excellent role model – this includes not smoking or drinking alcohol in the company of learners;
  • Be aware of the effect that your words and actions may have;
  • Assessments should be scheduled to be within the normal working day of the institution; Ensure employers and work experience providers are fully briefed on Safeguarding issues and that they agree to a Safeguarding policy or appropriate control measures;

Practices to be Avoided.

  • Spending excessive amounts of time alone with learners away from others;
  • Straying from the task in the specification or assignment;
  • Being unnecessarily inquisitive – only ask for what is necessary to fulfil the requirements of the assessment or matter in hand;
  • Saying anything that might make the learner feel uncomfortable or debased;
  • Saying anything that could be interpreted as aggressive, hostile or impatient;
  • Being drawn into personal conversations or introducing personal subjects;
  • Sitting or standing too close to the learner;
  • Standing over the learner or otherwise making the learner feel pressured;
  • Meeting other than at the pre-arranged venue;
  • Exchanging personal contact details;

Practices never to be Sanctioned

You should never:

  • Allow or engage in any form of inappropriate touching;
  • Allow children or vulnerable adults to use inappropriate language unchallenged;
  • Make sexually suggestive comments to a child or vulnerable adult, even in fun;
  • Reduce a child or vulnerable adult to tears as a form of control;
  • Allow allegations made by a child or vulnerable adult to go unchallenged, unrecorded or not acted upon;
  • Promise a child or vulnerable adult that their confidences will be kept secret.

Staff Management

SB Skills Solutions’ recruitment policy acknowledges our responsibility for protecting young people through safe recruitment practices. When recruiting we will consider whether a role is regulated or controlled and whether any safeguarding measures are needed.

  • Regulated activities – are activities that involve contact with children or vulnerable adults frequently, intensively and/or overnight.
  • Regulated activity is frequent (once a month or more) or intensive (takes place on three or more days in a 30-day period).
  • Controlled activities – frequent or intensive support work in further education. A controlled activity is when this type of activity is frequent (once a month or more) or intensive (takes place on three or more days in a 30-day period).

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)

All staff that have regular unsupervised contact with learners are subject to a DBS check. The period condition for ‘regular unsupervised contact’ is to teach, train or instruct learners as per a period condition as stipulated below:

  • Once a week or more;
  • 4 or more days in a 30-day period;

When an individual is offered a position with SB Skills Solutions their offer is subject to receiving a clear DBS certificate at the required level for the role in the organisation. SB Skills Solutions will arrange for a DBS check to take place using a third-party organization.

The following roles are regulated:

  • Teaching or training anyone who is under 18 years old or a vulnerable adult;
  • Care of anyone who is under 18 years old or a vulnerable adult;
  • Supervision of anyone who is under 18 years old or a vulnerable adult;
  • Advice to anyone who is under 18 years old or a vulnerable adult;
  • Transport of anyone who is under 18 years old or a vulnerable adult.

The following roles are controlled:

  • Anyone with access to children’s or vulnerable adult’s details.

However, this list of controlled and restricted roles is not exhaustive.
Please refer to our HR department for further information on safeguarding actions in the recruitment process.

Radicalisation and British Values

People can be drawn into violence or they can be exposed to the messages of extremist groups by many means. These can include family members or friends, direct contact with members groups and organisations or, increasingly, through the internet. This can put a person at risk of being drawn into criminal activity and has the potential to cause significant harm. Potential diagnostic indicators identified include:

  • Use of inappropriate language
  • Possession of violent extremist literature
  • Behavioural changes
  • The expression of extremist views
  • Advocating violent actions and means
  • Association with known extremists
  • Seeking to recruit others to an ideology

The risk of radicalisation is the product of a number of factors and identifying this risk requires that staff exercise their professional Judgement, seeking further advice as necessary.

British Values

SB Skills Solutions actively promotes British Values to all learners across their delivery and provision

Staff Roles and Responsibilities

Overall responsibility for implementing this strategy and monitoring safeguarding lies with the Designated Safeguarding lead (DSL) reporting to the Board of Directors.
The DSL with support from the Senior Management Team (SMT) and Heads of Department (HODs) acting as Assistant Safeguarding officers as required, is responsible for:

  • the development and maintenance of safeguarding policies, strategies and operating procedures;
  • acting as a source of advice and support in relation to safeguarding and protecting learners, and promoting good practice;
  • co-ordinating action within the company on receipt of any concerns or referrals;
  • ensuring relevant awareness and other practical training is provided for all managers, staff and learners;

Delivery staff (with support from the DSL and Safeguarding Officers) are responsible for promoting and ensuring that the safeguarding standards set by SB Skills Solutions are applied to their provision. All operational staff job descriptions will include general responsibilities relating to safeguarding.

Should any staff member or representative of SB Skills Solutions be found to not be adhering to the requirements of this policy, may face disciplinary action. For learners found to be contravening this policy, they risk being removed from their course and not being allowed to undertake any further learning with SB Skills Solutions.

Review and Policy Awareness

  • All Safeguarding Policies and Processes are reviewed and up-date annually or as a result of the application of new regulations or guidelines and are signed-off for publication, application and training at Board level.
  • All Staff must evidence their reading and comprehension of all relevant Policies and Processes as denoted in their training at induction and yearly thereafter.
  • A copy of the Safeguarding Policy is available on the notice board within each centre for learners to review
  • A copy of the Safeguarding policy is available on the shared drive for staff to access
  • All staff will have regular meetings with line managers to undertake welfare checks and identify any support required
  • The DSL will issue safeguarding hot topics and hints and tips to support staff and will facilitate safeguarding awareness sessions to keep all staff up to date


If we are delivering training as part of a subcontract, we will follow the Lead Contracts referral process for Safeguarding.

Should you have any queries, questions, or have knowledge of any incidents or suspected violations of safeguarding or prevent polices please speak to your Head of Department, or a member of the Senior Management Team, or contact:

Designated Safeguarding Lead – Philippa Plumpton
Tel: 07803824524

Designated Safeguarding Officer – Leah Pilkington
Tel: 01695558420

Appendix 1 Flowchart

SB Skills Solutions Safeguarding Vulnerable Children, Young People and Adults Policy and Procedures to be followed:

If someone discloses or makes an allegation

  • Listen, do not ask questions
  • Do not promise confidentiality
  • Write down the details but pass all notes and records to the Safeguarding Lead
  • Do not make promises you cannot keep
  • Do not take the matter further yourself. Refer all disclosures to the Safeguarding Lead

Appendix 2 Safeguarding Children/Vulnerable Adult Incident Report

Record No: Safeguarding Incident Report

Your Name

Your Position

Learner Name



Parent or Carer Name and Address

Date and Time of alleged Incident

Exactly what the Child/Vulnerable adult said and what you said (use separate sheet if necessary. Remember, do not lead the Child/Vulnerable adult, record actual details)

Action taken so far (separate sheet if necessary):

Details of any witness to incident/conversation including names:

Your observations (e.g. signs of physical abuse):

External agencies contacted (date & time)

Police: Yes/no (circle)

If yes provide name and contract No below. Advice Given

Social Services: Yes/no (circle)

If yes provide name and contract No below. Advice Given

Local authority: Yes/no (circle)

If yes provide name and contract No below Advice Given

Other (e.g. NSPCC): Yes/no (circle)

If yes provide name and contract No below Advice Given




Other Relevant Data

Action Taken


Introduction and relevant legislation

The current threat from Terrorism and Extremism in the United Kingdom is real and severe and can involve the exploitation of vulnerable people, including children and young people. This policy is designed to provide a clear framework to structure and inform our response to safeguarding concerns for those young people who may be vulnerable to the messages of extremism. In addition, it provides details of the local inter agency process and expectations in identifying appropriate interventions based on the threshold of need and intervention model and the Channel process (see below).


Radicalisation is defined as the process by which people come to support terrorism and extremism and, in some cases, to then participate in terrorist groups.


Extremism is vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. We also include in our definition of extremism calls for the death of members of our armed forces, whether in this country or overseas (HM Government Prevent Strategy, 2011).

Equality, Diversity and Community Cohesion

SB Skills Solutions aim to guide our Learners to understand others, to promote common values and to value diversity, to promote awareness of human rights and of the responsibility to uphold and defend them, and to develop the skills of participation and responsible action. We take extremely seriously our key role in preparing all our young people for life in modern Britain.

We also aim to encourage working towards a society in with a common vision and sense of belonging by all. Communities; a society in which the diversity of people’s backgrounds and circumstances is appreciated and valued; a society in which similar life opportunities are available to all; and a society in which strong and positive relationships exist and continue to be developed in the workplace, in schools and in the wider community.

National Guidance and Strategies

PREVENT is a key part of the Government’s strategy to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. Early intervention is at the heart of PREVENT in diverting people away from being drawn into terrorist activity. PREVENT happens before any criminal activity takes place. It is about recognising, supporting and protecting people who might be susceptible to radicalisation.

The PREVENT strategy objectives are:

  • Ideology: respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism and the threat we face from those who promote it
  • Individuals: prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support
  • Institutions: work with institutions where there are risks of radicalisation which we need to address

Prevent Strategy Prevent and Counter Terrorism Prevent is the strand of the counter- terrorism work stream that aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. The Prevent strategy is based on the conclusions of the Prevent Review published June 2011.

Challenging Extremist Ideas

Preventing terrorism will mean challenging extremist ideas that are conducive to terrorism or are shared by terrorist groups.

Prevent Objectives

 The objectives for Prevent are to:

  • respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism and the threat we face from those who promote it
  • prevent vulnerable people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support
  • work with a wide range of sectors (including education, criminal justice, faith, charities, the internet and health and social care) where there are risks of radicalisation which needs to be addressed
  • If you have concerns that an adult at risk may be a victim of radicalisation please contact the Designated Safeguarding Officer or Lead.

All staff undertake annual safeguarding training and, PREVENT/CHANNEL training also on an annual basis.


All staff should have an awareness of the PREVENT agenda and the various forms of radicalisation takes in being able to recognise signs and indicators or concern and respond appropriately.

Vulnerability/Risk Indicators

The following lists are not exhaustive and all or none may be present in individual cases of concern, nor does it mean that vulnerable young people experiencing these factors are automatically at risk of exploitation for the purposes of extremism. The accepted view is that a complex relationship between the various aspects of an individual’s identity determines their vulnerability to extremism.

There is no such thing as a ‘typical extremist’ and those involved in extremism come from a range of backgrounds and experiences.

The following indicators may help to identify factors that suggest a young person, or their family may be vulnerable or involved with extremism:


  • Identity crisis: Distance from cultural/religious heritage and uncomfortable with their place in the society around them.
  • Personal crisis: Family tensions; sense of isolation; adolescence; low self-esteem; disassociating from existing friendship group and becoming involved with a new and different group of friends; searching for answers to questions about identity, faith and belonging. Personal circumstances: Migration; local community tensions; events affecting country or region of origin; alienation from UK values; having a sense of grievance that is triggered by personal experience of racism or discrimination or aspects of Government policy.
  • Unmet aspirations: Perceptions of injustice; feeling of failure; rejection of civic life. Criminality: Experiences of imprisonment; poor resettlement/reintegration, previous involvement with criminal groups.

Access To Extremist Influences

  • Reason to believe that the apprentice associates with those known to be involved in extremism
  • Possession or distribution of extremist literature/other media material likely to incite racial/religious hatred or acts of violence
  • Use of closed network groups via electronic media for the purpose of extremist activity

Experiences, behaviours and influences

  • Experience of peer, social, family or faith group rejection
  • International events in areas of conflict and civil unrest had a personal impact on the young person resulting in a noticeable change in behaviour
  • Verbal or written support of terrorist attacks
  • First-hand experience of racial or religious hate crime
  • Extended periods of travel to international locations known to be associated with extremism
  • Evidence of fraudulent identity/use of documents to support this
  • Experience of disadvantage, discrimination or social exclusion
  • History of criminal activity
  • Pending a decision on their immigration/national status

More critical risk factors include:

  • Being in contact with extremist recruiters
  • Articulating support for extremist causes or leaders
  • Accessing extremist websites, especially those with a social networking element
  • Possessing extremist literature
  • Justifying the use of violence to solve societal issues
  • Joining extremist organisations
  • Significant changes to appearance/behaviour

Management and Supervision

  • It is the line manager’s responsibility to clarify with the worker or volunteer their roles and responsibilities regarding their relationships with adults at risk with whom they may be in contact. Regular supervision for staff and volunteers will monitor the work and offer the opportunity to raise any issues.

Record Keeping

  • There should be a written record of any concerns. This confidential information will be kept in a locked drawer by the appropriate person, and will be kept for as long as deemed necessary, in line with Data Protection principles. All incidents should be discussed in supervision with line manager.
  • Records kept by paid workers about adults at risk should only include: Contacts made Referrals made, including date, time, reason and referral agency.
  • SB Skills Solutions may have specific projects that need to keep more detailed records, and these will be identified by the Manager and made known to the team.
  • Planning wherever possible paid staff and volunteers should avoid lone working with an adult at risk. But if unavoidable, one to one contact should take place in an environment where other staff or volunteers are present or within sight.


    • Experience of peer, social, family or faith group rejection
    • International events in areas of conflict and civil unrest had a personal impact on the young person resulting in a noticeable change in behaviour
    • Verbal or written support of terrorist attacks
    • First-hand experience of racial or religious hate crime
    • Extended periods of travel to international locations known to be associated with extremism
    • Evidence of fraudulent identity/use of documents to support this
    • Experience of disadvantage, discrimination or social exclusion
    • History of criminal activity
    • Pending a decision on their immigration/national status

More critical risk factors include:

    • Being in contact with extremist recruiters
    • Articulating support for extremist causes or leaders
    • Accessing extremist websites, especially those with a social networking element
    • Possessing extremist literature
    • Justifying the use of violence to solve societal issues
    • Joining extremist organisations
    • Significant changes to appearance/behaviour

Channel referral process

    • Some concerns which are identified may have a security dimension to them. For this reason, it is important that liaison with the police forms an early part of all investigations. The Police will carry out an initial assessment and, if appropriate, set up a multiagency meeting to agree actions for supporting the individual. If it is deemed that there are no concerns around radicalisation, appropriate and targeted support will be considered for the young person.

    • Manager responsible for this document – Philippa Plumpton (Funding Manager)  Approved on 30/09/2024 

      Review Due on 30/09/2025