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Women may consider the construction industry to have a career

Barratt Homes is one of the biggest housebuilders in the United Kingdom. It supported more than 1400 jobs in the region last year and is now trying to encourage girls and women to adopt construction as a career profession. Currently, all over the world and not just in the United Kingdom, there are very less female personnel working in the construction industry. The company is trying to get the interest of women to work in the housebuilding industry by encouraging female school pupil, college students and graduates to consider working in this area. Statistics reveal that in order to build new, additional 100,00 homes, the industry needs around 165,000 skilled workers and professionals.

Barratt homes is trying to encourage women and girls to join its employment scheme which has given the youngsters a quick boost up in their career ladders. The company also runs a program which enables university graduates and former students to work across a variety of departments ranging from construction, engineering and sales to planning department so that they get an experience and can get the feel of different traits and consider the jobs which they have not considered previously as a profession or career. The company also offers an apprenticeship scheme which is very popular in young people, providing the double benefits of earning as well as learning through practical and hands-on experience in the industry.

Read the complete article to learn more about how Barratt Homes is encouraging females to have a career in the housebuilding industry!

Jasmine Philpott, from Totnes, a graduate on Barratt Homes’ ASPIRE programme, said: “I’d never really considered a job in construction. It wasn’t until I saw an advert for the ASPIRE scheme was emailed to me via Graduate Jobs while I was at the University of Nottingham, where I was studying a degree in French, that I thought about applying for their graduate programme. I was really pleased to get a place and there’s a pretty balanced split among the graduates. People are brought on board the scheme for their talent, regardless of their gender, ethnicity etc.

“I’ve spent time in lots of different areas of the business since I started, including going out on site. The guys treated me as one of the team and I’ve never been treated differently because I’m a woman.

“I think more construction companies should offer graduate schemes to students studying any degree. A lot of them limit it to engineering students and if that had been the case with Barratt, I would never have considered getting into construction.”

Sara Parker, Barratt Homes sales director, said: “Any workforce in any industry should be diverse to reflect society. I think employers should be able to employ the best person for the job. Ability to do the job, education, personality and fit within team are the most important factors.

The complete article can be found here: